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Northcroft places great importance on attendance. Regular attendance is crucial for maximising student progress.
Here are the key points regarding attendance:

  1. Encouraging Good Attendance:

    • The school actively encourages good attendance.
    • Students with excellent attendance receive attendance certificates during end-of-term assemblies.
    • These assemblies provide an opportunity for the school community to come together, share positive news, and celebrate achievements.
  2. Understanding Absences:

    • The school recognises that students may occasionally be unwell or have appointments.
    • If your child is unwell or has an appointment, please call the main school number (0118 334 8777) promptly.
    • Messages can also be left on the school’s answering machine if direct communication with office staff is not possible.
  3. Attendance Procedures:

    • Office staff review attendance registers daily between 9:30 am and 10:00 am.
    • If no explanation for an absence has been received, the school will attempt to contact the parent or carer.
    • If contact cannot be established, the school may visit the family home or involve relevant authorities (police or social services).
  4. Communication and Support:

    • If a child returns to school without an explanation for their absence, the parent or carer will be contacted.
    • In cases of ongoing attendance concerns, the Headteacher will address the issue with the parent or carer.
    • The Pastoral Lead provides support for re-engagement.
    • If necessary, the Headteacher may invite parents/carers and SEN (Special Educational Needs) to discuss attendance.