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Our Learning Curriculum

Pupils in Key Stages 3 and 4 attend Northcroft School and follow the national curriculum.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for enrichment activities through educational visits and field trips. We take account of the National Curriculum and put an emphasis on pupils developing basic skills in Literacy and Numeracy with cross curricular links across subjects.

We believe in encouraging pupils’ self-esteem, which is often low when the start with us, by ensuring the curriculum and tasks set are challenging yet achievable, thus enabling them to further succeed and develop.

Northcroft School is proud of our curriculum. It is ambitious and inspiring.  Tailored around the needs of our individual students, our curriculum is broad (in terms of subject areas covered), balanced (in terms of skills and competencies) and delivered at a range of different levels across all year groups, to enable any learner - regardless of their starting point at Northcroft School– to achieve and progress.

Student achievement is recognised at many levels at Northcroft School. We place our students’ personal and social development at the very centre of everything we do, helping to create well-rounded, happy, independent students. By incorporating the National Curriculum within cross-curricular, topic-based learning and our school values, our curriculum seeks to equip the students with the skills and knowledge to be successful adults in the future.

Reading is a vital form of communication for everyone. The key to improving outcomes in all subjects is fostering a love of reading. There is substantial evidence to show how reading impacts on a wide range of issues, including attainment, mental health, economic wellbeing and relationships.

There are daily lessons in Mathematics, English and Reading alongside weekly lessons in PE, Science, Geography/History, RE, Computing, Music, Art/ Design Technology, Cooking and PSHE. SMSC and British Values are embedded within all aspects of the curriculum.

We understand the importance of emotional and social literacy in developing a child’s character. For this reason, we follow a Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) scheme of work developed by our team of therapists and educators, that seeks to empower students to take responsibility for their own mental health.​

Our Personal Development and life skills lessons educate​ and support our students on relevant topics such as:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Health and well-being management
  • Understanding identity and relationships
  • Understanding society and the wider world

We want to inspire our students to develop a love of learning, the self-belief to take risks and the confidence to achieve anything they set their mind to, aligned to our school aims and priorities.

Curriculum Intent

  • Our curriculum is designed so that all students, regardless of when they join Northcroft School and at what stage of their learning, will have a range of subject opportunities at a level that is suitable for their age and stage and differentiated according to their learning levels.
  • We aim to include a range of different assessment methods to accommodate our students needs and abilities, whilst enabling them wherever possible to achieve an equivalent standard to their chronological mainstream peers.
  • We have clear pathways for learner progress and the subjects thread through the school, with clear progression from one year to the next, allowing the process of learning, revisiting and embedding skills and knowledge.
  • Finally, we aim to provide a curriculum which recognises our students' needs, plays to their strengths, supports them to develop those skills which may not come naturally to them and prepares them for a full, independent and successful life, in line with CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information and Guidance) and PfA (Preparation for Adulthood) themes.
 Curriculum Implementation
  • Our curriculum - across all subjects - is differentiated to meet the individual needs of the students and to draw on their strengths, interests and abilities. We have high expectations of our students and work hard to enable them to achieve their potential.
  • The curriculum, underpinned by therapeutic principles, is delivered using phenomenon-based teaching, enquiry-led learning and clearly defined structures of learning. This is to support students to understand the relevance of topics and be able to ‘place’ their learning within real life and familiar contexts. It also promotes opportunities for creativity and collaborative work with peers. 
  • Our teachers are all regularly trained and understand Autism, ADHD, PDA, Trauma & attachment, its individual presentations and its impact on learning; as such, they deliver their lessons with a unique style to engage, challenge and progress students within school. 
  • Learning is delivered in small groups with a high level of support staffing; our approach to learning is underpinned, not only by therapeutic principles, but within the context of positive behaviour management, to minimise disruption and maximise focus.
  • The curriculum across all subject areas is designed to enable students to learn, relearn and revisit topics across different year groups, adding layer upon layer of learning to reinforce and develop subject knowledge. 
 Curriculum Intended Impact

Ultimately, it is our goal that students will leave Northcroft School with:

  • An understanding of emotional regulation and the strategies needed to achieve this.
  • An understanding of their social/relationship needs and appropriate behaviours within these.
  • A positive self-esteem and an understanding of how uniquely wonderful they are.
  • A range of self-help and independence skills.
  • Students with EHCP'S and who EAL is identified will leave Northcroft School equipped with tools to support their welfare.
  • A developed sense of sensory integration and physical development.
  • A clear pathway into the secondary phase of education and adulthood, with an understanding of their next steps.
  • An ability to express themselves appropriately, positively and with maturity.


We are currently receiving Pupil Premium funding for 3 students at Northcroft School. The funds are spent solely on individual requirements to support attainment and development.