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PSHE is central to the development of the students in our school. Our planned developmental programme is designed to help students deal with the difficult moral, social, health and economic--related issues that arise in their lives and in society. It also helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, productive, independent, and healthy lives as individuals, parents, workers, and members of society.

Provision for a comprehensive PSHE programme is central to achieving our school’s own aims, objectives and mission statement. PSHE provides learning that makes an essential contribution to:

  • Reducing or removing barriers to learning by providing an education that promotes positive relationships and supports students in reaching their full potential.
  • Developing key concepts, language skills, strategies and understanding to enable students to make positive lifestyle choices now and in their future
  • Developing the key concepts and skills that both support and transcend academic learning and are essential to employability, within a rapidly changing global economy.

The values and ethos of the school will not only be made explicit in PSHE, but they will also be shaped by what happens in PSHE. It is the planned provision through which we promote both the present and future personal and economic wellbeing of our students. Our PSHE programme and whole school approach to PSHE is embedded within other efforts to ensure children and students have positive relationships with adults, feel valued and where those who are most vulnerable are identified and supported. The school provides opportunities for children and students to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities that simulate adult choices and where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions.

Extra Curriculum enrichment to build on the skill taught in school.

Northcroft school students all attend Stable futures where through a beautiful outdoor environment they care for animals and work alongside their peers, utilising the skill taught within the classroom and within the school environment to secure the knowledge needed to access the wider community and live as successful citizens.