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Our PE curriculum works alongside occupational therapist outcomes and advice, creating an environment that is inclusive and progressive for all students’ abilities and needs. Considering all of these factors PE is then differentiated accordingly and monitored and informed through using the BSquared progression steps tool ensuring inclusivity and metacognitive development is at the heart of the PE curriculum.


Students leave Northcroft School more physically literate and with the opportunities necessary to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Students motor skills will develop as well as cognitive and communication skills such as reflection, confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, and leadership. Using these cognitive and communication skills will enable students to apply such skills to other areas of their school experience therefore supporting the young person holistically in their school life. 

Promoting fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in PE

Embedded in the PE curriculum for all key stages are the British Values and SMSC development:

British values:
  • Democracy-influencing decision making and the impact of an individual and others through team and individual sports as well as building confidence in leadership skills during lessons.
  • Rule of Law- this is demonstrated through all sports and terms; each sport has rules and regulations that must be adapted to and abided by.
  • Individual Liberty- this is promoted in the PE curriculum through leadership whether that be team captains or encouraging young people to communicate ways their peers or themselves can improve a skill.
  • Mutual Respect- this is emphasised in team sports, being able to trust and rely on other people’s abilities to achieve a common goal such as winning a game. It is also demonstrated through being humble and respectful and the ability to appreciate when others are successful such as in winning and losing.
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs- Northcroft School PE curriculum promotes this British Value through encouraging students to be respectful towards, share and participate as part of a team in different sports taking a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination towards others during lessons.
  • Spiritual- this is promoted in the PE curriculum through reflection and perspective on performance. PE at Northcroft School aims to promote a love of learning, creating a sense of enjoyment and fascination in PE.
  • Moral- the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own performances. Students are encouraged to recognise and respect boundaries of others and different sports. Students are encouraged to reflect on actions and the consequences those actions have on own and others performances, appreciating others views, decisions and that these may differ from their own.
  • Social- Northcroft School encourages students through the PE curriculum to use a range of social skills in different contexts and show a willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, cooperating with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively through sport.
  • Cultural- students are encouraged to develop an understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped different sports and demonstrating a willingness and respect to participate in and respond positively to sporting and cultural opportunities.